Academic Staff

Deputy Librarian
Office: +94 55 3 560114
Mobile: +94 77 8 436572
B.Econ (EUSL, Sri Lanka), HRM (UOM, India),
M.Sc (UOM,India), PhD.(KLN, Sri Lanka)
Prof. Gangadhar Rao memorial medal from the University of Madras for the first rank in LIS, degree. 2011
International mobility grant from the UGC – Sri Lanka to present paper in Germany, 2014.
Financial Assistant from the UGC – Sri Lanka for reading Doctor of Philosophy Degree
Library Marketing, Cataloguing & Classification, Citation analysis, Scientometrics & Webometrics, Research Methodology, Online Publishing, Research Management, Library Management System
- Pratheepan,T., Weerasooriya, W.A. “ An Exploratory Study on Collaborative Profiles of Sri Lankan Publications on Environmental Sciences ” Knowledge Resources And Library Technologies, Proceedings of International Conference of Bharathidasan University, India, 24th – 25th February,2017.
- Pratheepan,T., Weerasooriya, W.A. “ Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (2011-2015): a Citation Analysis” Information for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of International Conference of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 21st – 22nd October,2016.
- Pratheepan,T. “ Scientometric Study of the Physics Professors in the Sri Lankan Universities” ICULA – 2016 – Libraries as partners of Knowledge Sustainability, Proceedings of International Conference of University Librarians’ Association, Sri Lanka, 9th – 10th March, 2016.
- Pratheepan,T., Weerasooriya,W.A. “The Publication Output and Impact of various Faculties in Sri Lankan Universities: a Scientometrics Assessment and Policy Implications.” Journal of the University Librarians’ Association of Sri Lanka. 19.1 (2015): 54-70.
- Pratheepan,T. “ Electronic Journal Databases for Research & Development activities in Sri Lanka: Steps towards Higher Education Sector.” National Library Review. 2.1(2015): 92-110.
- Pratheepan,T. “ International Research Collaboration of Sri Lanka in the last 02 decades (1994-2013) based on the SCOPUS database” 10thInternational Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting – 2014, Proceedings of the Conference, Ilmenau, Germany, 3rd – 5th September, 2014.
- Pratheepan,T. “ Evaluation of Worldwide Research in Teaching and Teacher Education Journal from 1986-2013: a Scientometric Study” Capacity Building Programmes for Teacher Educators – 2014, Proceedings of the Conference of St. Pauls M.Ed Collage, Bangalore, India, 13th – 14th March,2014
- Pratheepan,T. “ Study on Collaborative Research Output in Social and Behavioral Sciences among Sri Lanka and USA” ICE-2013, Knowledge and technology for Post – Conflict Recovery, Proceedings of International Conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 12th & 13th September,2013.
- Pratheepan,T. “The Role of International Resource sharing International Network in the Internationalization of Sri Lankan Universities” Annual Research Session – 2013, Proceeding of the Session, University Librarians Association, Sri Lanka, 17 of August, 2013.
- Pratheepan,T. “The Role of the Academic Librarians in Upgrading Sri Lankan Universities in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities: A way forward” NACLIS-2013, Proceeding of the Conference, Sri Lanka Library Association, Sri Lanka, 27 of June, 2013.
- Pratheepan,T., Jeyaraj,W. “Mapping Sri Lanka’s International Research Collaboration with Japan” –SLJCR-2013, Proceeding of the Conference, University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka,29th-31st March,2013.
- Pratheepan, T., Jeyaraj,W. “Application and Impact of emerging technologies in Academic Libraries” NILIS – 2012, Changing Library Strategies for the New Generation of Users. Proceeding of the Symposium, National Institute of Library and Information Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22nd & 23rd , November, 2012.
- Pratheepan, T., Kulathunga, KMRK, Mirzaniya, H. “Evaluating scientific contribution of the Sri Lankan scientists in the field of environmental science based on the SCIE” 2nd ISSEU – 2012,. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium, South Eastern University,Sri Lanka, 25th & 27th , May, 2012.
University Librarians Association, Sri Lanka (ULA)
Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA)
Madras Library Association (MLA)