Deputy Librarian
Office: +94 55 3 560114
Mobile: +94 77 8 436572
E-mail: pratheepan@uwu.ac.lk
Awards & Achievements
- Gangadhar Rao memorial medal from the University of Madras for the first rank in M.Sc.in LIS, degree. 2011
- International mobility grant from the UGC – Sri Lanka to present paper in Germany, 2014.
- Financial Assistant from the UGC – Sri Lanka for reading Doctor of Philosophy Degree.
Research Interest
- Library Marketing, Cataloguing & Classification, Citation analysis, Scientometrics & Webometrics
- Research Methodology, Online Publishing, Research Management, Library Management System
- Pratheepan,T., Weerasooriya, W.A. “ An Exploratory Study on Collaborative Profiles of Sri Lankan Publications on Environmental Sciences ” Knowledge Resources And Library Technologies, Proceedings of International Conference of Bharathidasan University, India, 24th – 25th February,2017.
- Pratheepan,T., Weerasooriya, W.A. “ Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (2011-2015): a Citation Analysis” Information for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of International Conference of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 21st – 22nd October,2016.
- Pratheepan,T. “ Scientometric Study of the Physics Professors in the Sri Lankan Universities” ICULA – 2016 – Libraries as partners of Knowledge Sustainability, Proceedings of International Conference of University Librarians’ Association, Sri Lanka, 9th - 10th March, 2016.
- Pratheepan,T., Weerasooriya,W.A. “The Publication Output and Impact of various Faculties in Sri Lankan Universities: a Scientometrics Assessment and Policy Implications.” Journal of the University Librarians’ Association of Sri Lanka. 1 (2015): 54-70.
- Pratheepan,T. “ Electronic Journal Databases for Research & Development activities in Sri Lanka: Steps towards Higher Education Sector.” National Library Review.1(2015): 92-110.
- Pratheepan,T. “ International Research Collaboration of Sri Lanka in the last 02 decades (1994-2013) based on the SCOPUS database” 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting - 2014, Proceedings of the Conference, Ilmenau, Germany, 3rd – 5th September, 2014.
- Pratheepan,T. “ Evaluation of Worldwide Research in Teaching and Teacher Education Journal from 1986-2013: a Scientometric Study” Capacity Building Programmes for Teacher Educators – 2014, Proceedings of the Conference of St. Pauls M.Ed Collage, Bangalore, India, 13th – 14th March,2014
- Pratheepan,T. “ Study on Collaborative Research Output in Social and Behavioral Sciences among Sri Lanka and USA” ICE-2013, Knowledge and technology for Post – Conflict Recovery, Proceedings of International Conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 12th & 13th September,2013.
- Pratheepan,T. “The Role of International Resource sharing International Network in the Internationalization of Sri Lankan Universities” Annual Research Session – 2013, Proceeding of the Session, University Librarians Association, Sri Lanka, 17 of August, 2013.
- Pratheepan,T. “The Role of the Academic Librarians in Upgrading Sri Lankan Universities in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities: A way forward” NACLIS-2013, Proceeding of the Conference, Sri Lanka Library Association, Sri Lanka, 27 of June, 2013.
- Pratheepan,T., Jeyaraj,W. “Mapping Sri Lanka’s International Research Collaboration with Japan” –SLJCR-2013, Proceeding of the Conference, University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka,29th-31st March,2013.
- Pratheepan, T., Jeyaraj,W. “Application and Impact of emerging technologies in Academic Libraries” NILIS – 2012, Changing Library Strategies for the New Generation of Users. Proceeding of the Symposium, National Institute of Library and Information Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22nd & 23rd , November, 2012.
- Pratheepan, T., Kulathunga, KMRK, Mirzaniya, H. “Evaluating scientific contribution of the Sri Lankan scientists in the field of environmental science based on the SCIE” 2nd ISSEU - 2012,. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium, South Eastern University,Sri Lanka, 25th & 27th , May, 2012.
- University Librarians Association, Sri Lanka (ULA)
- Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA)
- Madras Library Association (MLA)

Senior Assistant Librarian
Office: +94 55 3 560114
Mobile: +94
E-mail: kumari.kulatunga@gmail.com
Awards & Achievements
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Research Interest
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Senior Assistant Librarian
Office: +94 55 3 560114
E-mail: palikav6@gmail.com
Awards & Achievements
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Research Interest
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